Wii Linux - Downloads
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You can refer to the Installation Guide to install these.

Tier 1 Distros
These are distros that have the full support of the Wii-Linux team.  Custom packages are created, and you should get kernel and loader updates from here.
They are verified to work reasonably well on the Wii's limited hardware, and get modern updates.  Automatic tarball and image creation is supported.
You will recieve support for using these distros.

- Flashable images
  For use with Linux `dd`, Balena Etcher on Windows/Linux, etc
  Any disk image flasher should work.
  - (Recommended) Latest build's Arch Linux Icon ArchPOWER SD Card image (.img.gz, decompress, then flash to your SD card directly) here.
  - Latest build's Arch Linux Icon ArchPOWER rootfs (.img.gz, decompress, then flash to your SD/USB device's ext4 partition) here.

- Tarballs / Archives
  Requires installation via Linux on a PC
  - Latest build's Arch Linux Icon ArchPOWER rootfs (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD/USB device's ext4 partition) here.
  - Latest build's Arch Linux Icon ArchPOWER SD Card files (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
  - Latest build's Arch Linux Icon ArchPOWER SD Card files (.zip, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.

Tier 2 Distros
These distros are verified to at least function properly, but might have some issues, notably, it may not have custom apps packaged,
it may run poorly, it may not get updates anymore, and it may not have automatic image creation scripts.  You will recieve limited support
for using these distros.  The support team may choose to reject a support request due to it being too much hassle on these lower-quality distros.

- Tarballs / Archives
  Requires installation via Linux on a PC
  - Latest build's Fedora Linux Icon Fedora 20 rootfs (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD/USB device's ext4 partition) here.
  - Latest build's Fedora Linux Icon Fedora 20 SD Card files (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
  - Latest build's Fedora Linux Icon Fedora 20 SD Card files (.zip, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.

Tier 3 Distros
The graveyard.  These distros are completely abandoned, broken, or worse.  They are provided for historical purposes only, and should not
be used under any circumstances.  You will recieve minimal support for getting these distros to boot, are not garuanteed anything else.

- Tarballs / Archives
  Requires installation via Linux on a PC
  - Latest build's Void Linux Icon Void-PPC rootfs (.tar.xz, extract to the root of your SD/USB device's ext4 partition) here.
  - Latest build's Void Linux Icon Void-PPC SD Card files (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.

Non-Distro Downloads
Various bits and pieces, mainly for developers looking to create their own distro.

- Latest build's (kernel 4.5.0) loader.img (raw file, put in wiilinux on your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
- Latest build's kernel (4.5.0) modules (.tar.gz, need these for Wi-Fi primarily, extract to rootfs) here.
- Latest build's raw kernel (4.5.0), put this as a file named v4_5_0.krn in the wiilinux directory on your SD Card's FAT32 partition here.
- Wi-Fi Firmware (.tar.gz.  extract to the root of your USB disk) here.  See the LICENSE
- Linux 4.5 Documentation (HTML), built, and then assembled as a ZIP archive.

In-Development versions
It's highlight likely that these versions will have serious problems.
It's recommended to NOT use these.
- None for now!  Check back later!

Legacy versions
You shouldn't need these, but they are kept around for historical reasons
- The archive - really old versions, and superseded releases of the current versions
- archive #1 of old pre-server-crash releases of Wii Linux - by Selim
- archive #2 of old pre-server-crash releases of Wii Linux - by Tech64

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