Wii Linux

It's Linux on the Wii, but it's actually modern, and (soon) works well!

What works and works well:
- Booting to a command line
- Running various command line apps
- Wi-Fi
- SD Cards
- Terminal graphics output in either 480i/480p
- Booting from MINI
- USB Gecko (serial console in GameCube memory card ports)
- KGDB - Linux kernel deugger, works over USB Gecko
- USB Keyboards
- Using a portion of MEM2 to boost the total usable memory count from 24MB to 74MB
- Swapping to any USB/SD disk to increase the total ""memory"" count to theoretically any number
- Bluetooth using bluez
- The framebuffer
- Xorg

What works if you ignore the obvious problems:
- Booting from HBC (Homebrew Channel) under Starlet IOS

What doesn't work at all:
- The DVD driver
- Anything that uses Java (memory issues, refuses to swap, but in fact now it crashes)

What's not known yet:
- When did IOS-based SD Card support break?
- Does the gamecube_defconfig work on the GameCube?
- Does a Wii build work on the Wii U's vWii?

- Official Discord Server
- Install Guide (TBD, ask Techflash until it's done!)
- Wii Linux developers blog  See progress updates and generally what's going on here.
- Linux 4.5 Documentation (HTML), built, and then assembled as a ZIP archive.
- Latest build's rootfs (.tar.xz, extract to the root of your SD/USB device's ext4 partition) here.
- Latest build's (kernel 4.5.0) SD Card files (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.

Specialized (already included in the above)
- Latest build's (kernel 4.5.0) loader.img (raw file, put in gumboot on your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
- Latest build's kernel (4.5.0) modules (.tar.gz, need these for Wi-Fi primarily, extract to rootfs) here.
- Latest build's raw kernel (4.5.0), put this as a file named v4_5_0.krn in the gumboot directory on your SD Card's FAT32 partition here.
- Wi-Fi Firmware (.tar.gz.  extract to the root of your USB disk) here.  See the LICENSE

In-Development versions
It's highlight likely that these versions will have serious problems.
It's recommended to NOT use these.
- Latest build's (kernel 4.20.0) loader.img (raw file, put in gumboot on your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
- Latest build's kernel (4.20.0) modules (.tar.gz, need these for Wi-Fi primarily, extract to rootfs) here.
- Latest build's raw kernel (4.20.0), put this as a file named v4_20_0.krn in the gumboot directory on your SD Card's FAT32 partition here.

Legacy versions
You shouldn't need these, but they are kept around for historical reasons
- Latest kernel 4.4.302 SD Card files (.tar.gz, extract to the root of your SD Card's FAT32 partition) here.
- Latest kernel (4.4.302) modules (.tar.gz, need these for Wi-Fi primarily, extract to rootfs) here.
- Latest build's raw kernel (4.4.302), put this as a file named v4_4_302.krn in the gumboot directory on your SD Card's FAT32 partition here.
- The archive - really old versions, and superseded releases of the current versions

- "Techflash" (Michael)
    - Lead project organizer
    - Tester
    - Gives Support
    - Most of the current kernel development
    - Does most of the compiling
    - Built essentially all of this website so far
    - Got kernel 4.5.0 working
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- "TheOtherOne" / "ThatsItForTheOtherOne"
    - Previously the main kernel developer
    - Hosts docker container for build tools
    - Got kernel 4.4.302 working in the first place
    - Very knowledgable about the inner workings of the Wii
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- "Foxlet"
    - Main Void Linux handler
    - Expert at all things userspace
    - Runs the Void Linux PPC project, which is used by us, and we actively help with
    - Showed us how we can get more than an old Gentoo tarball from 2010 working
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Special thanks
- Owen Rummage / "n1xn0v4"
    - Owner of NixLabs, the server provider we use
    - Generously gives all hosting and compute space for free, as we are a sponsored project
    - Helps out with the actual project work occasionally here and there
    - Great friend
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